Wednesday, June 16, 2010

98 days to GO

Tuesday Day 1 - It was exciting to finally get started. I am so excited to be picked for this challenge, it is an amazing opportunity. I really want to give it my all and succeed. After the weigh and testing I think I am ready to kick @$& :) I went home and set up my Wii fit, which told me I was old in Wii fit age and I was fat. Thanks Wii It was actually a lot of fun, I look forward to lowering my Wii fit age and hopefully not being Wii fat :)

Wednesday Day 2 - I met my trainer, and I am still alive so I consider it a good day :) After work I went to the wellness center, not sure what to expect. 90 minutes later my legs felt like Jello, but I think I did OK. I can't wait until it all becomes easy and second nature. I am looking forward to my next training session, but not looking forward to tomorrow. I hope I will be able to walk.

Tomorrow is the nutrition class, which I am also looking forward to. It will be interesting to see what I should and should not be eating. I hate water and love Diet Mt Dew, so I am hoping I can negotiate for Crystal Light as my water. I have been trying to eat healthy the past two days, but my idea of healthy might not be nutritional. I logged my food, and so far have obeyed all the rules but still have so much to learn.

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