Monday, June 28, 2010

Has it been 2 weeks already?

So I weighed in today and am down 5lbs total :) My goal was 2lbs a week, I feel like my hard work is paying off. I met my trainer on Sat morning, we did lots of arm exercises and when I got to my car I could barely steer it. It didn't hurt, just felt like Jello. Luckily I made it home safely. I enjoy the workouts, but hope they get easier or feel like they are easier. My trainer got her mission call, and leave in August, which makes me sad, I really enjoy working with her. She is super supportive and positive.

That night I had a BBQ to go to, so I am the crazy annoying guest who brings her own Turkey burger. Luckily my friend understood, she is going to a trainer too. I think the health nutrition will always be a work in progress. On Thursday everyone is supposed to bring food ideas, which I cant wait for. I feel like I eat the same thing every day.

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