Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Team Jacob

Yesterday, I met with my trainer after work and it was great to see so many other Heart Challenge friends there. I even met last challenge winners, we rode the bikes together :) They said the change after 100 days is awesome. I look forward to that feeling. I enjoy the workouts, but feel like I get my @&$ kicked every time, Thanks Jenna(trainer).

I am taking today off from the gym, After work I am going to go see the new Twilight movie. I hope the smell of the popcorn is enough, and not eat any. In our nutrition class we talked about the size of movie popcorn and its calories, I like the butter more than the popcorn.

Good luck to all the other Heart Challengers, its fun getting to know everyone!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Has it been 2 weeks already?

So I weighed in today and am down 5lbs total :) My goal was 2lbs a week, I feel like my hard work is paying off. I met my trainer on Sat morning, we did lots of arm exercises and when I got to my car I could barely steer it. It didn't hurt, just felt like Jello. Luckily I made it home safely. I enjoy the workouts, but hope they get easier or feel like they are easier. My trainer got her mission call, and leave in August, which makes me sad, I really enjoy working with her. She is super supportive and positive.

That night I had a BBQ to go to, so I am the crazy annoying guest who brings her own Turkey burger. Luckily my friend understood, she is going to a trainer too. I think the health nutrition will always be a work in progress. On Thursday everyone is supposed to bring food ideas, which I cant wait for. I feel like I eat the same thing every day.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

10 days down, 90 to go!!!! and My Goals

I think I have done really well this week. The first few days were overwhelming but now I am getting the hang of it. I pack my lunch everyday and my gym clothes, I swear Carrying my bags into work is a work out :) I had my trainer on Tuesday after work and I am still sore, lucky I won't see her again until Sat. I have been doing my workouts at 24hr Fitness, I have had a gym membership for years there and am finally using it. I figured after the 100 days I would still need to work out, so I am getting my self used the gym and becoming a regular there.

I havent cheated on my diet, or at least I don't think I have. My co-workers on Monday had Cafe Rio and Wed had Brick Oven pizza. I packed my own lunch and ate it. Which I am proud of. They are very supportive of me. I am trying to get my whole department to Run Mike's Mad Dash with me. I think I can get a good turnout from my co-workers

My goals so far, for this 100 days :
1. Lose 30lbs
2. Learn to like water more than Diet Mt Dew
3. Run Mike's Mad Dash, but actually run all 3 miles
4. Learn to enjoy running/working out.
5. Decrease my triglyceride levels

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Trying to Get It Right

Wow what a crazy week! I am working on a new plan for this next week to make it easier. I feel like I got an overload of information that I am trying to keep straight. What to eat, how much to eat, when to exercise and what to do. I feel like I am doing everything I can to get it right, just hope I do. Tomorrow I will weigh in again and have to email it to the Trainer. I hope it went down. I would like to lose 2lbs a week and think I can do it. I have exercised everyday, and even bought FRUIT. Which I honesty don't think I have ever bought fruit before besides a Cherry Slurpee.

So my plan this week is to go to the gym right after work, cuz once I get home, its hard to go back to the gym. I packed my lunch for tomorrow, hopefully with the right about of carbs and proteins and not to much fat. I think the nutrition will be the hardest part. I am going to concentrate this week on eating less calories and try to get my carbs and proteins right, and going to the gym everyday. Wish me Luck

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

98 days to GO

Tuesday Day 1 - It was exciting to finally get started. I am so excited to be picked for this challenge, it is an amazing opportunity. I really want to give it my all and succeed. After the weigh and testing I think I am ready to kick @$& :) I went home and set up my Wii fit, which told me I was old in Wii fit age and I was fat. Thanks Wii It was actually a lot of fun, I look forward to lowering my Wii fit age and hopefully not being Wii fat :)

Wednesday Day 2 - I met my trainer, and I am still alive so I consider it a good day :) After work I went to the wellness center, not sure what to expect. 90 minutes later my legs felt like Jello, but I think I did OK. I can't wait until it all becomes easy and second nature. I am looking forward to my next training session, but not looking forward to tomorrow. I hope I will be able to walk.

Tomorrow is the nutrition class, which I am also looking forward to. It will be interesting to see what I should and should not be eating. I hate water and love Diet Mt Dew, so I am hoping I can negotiate for Crystal Light as my water. I have been trying to eat healthy the past two days, but my idea of healthy might not be nutritional. I logged my food, and so far have obeyed all the rules but still have so much to learn.