Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Trainer Made Me Sick

I met with my trainer today after work. She always kicks my butt. I walked in and Ron told me she was on one, worked him really hard. While on the elliptical another trainer came over and warned me. I had to laugh, cuz she always works me so hard. After 25 min on the elliptical, we did 4 different exercises with 5 circuits. I was getting sick by the end. I had a protein bar before i went to the gym, bad idea. It was sitting in my stomach like a lead ball. After the 5th cycle I was to end on the treadmill. I had to go to the bathroom and throw-up :( I could only get water out, but felt better. I never thought a workout could make me so sick. Note to self don't eat before working out again. It was not pleasant, but it was other than that the workout was good, and exhausting. Luckily I don't have to see her again until Thurs :)

I had another good week, 2lbs again. I worked really hard this past week at the gym, 6 days. Its always fun to see everyone at the gym. I enjoy reading every ones blogs. I am glad we are all in this together and doing a great job!!!! 5 more weeks, seems like such a short time left. I am looking forward to the end to see my results. But I think I have a few more 100 days ahead of me to reach my final goals. I am grateful for all the things I have learned in this challenge, its a lifestyle change!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Out of Balance

This week has been bad on my diet. On wed I had dessert at lunch and it was so yummy!!!! Magelby's chocolate cake. It tasted so good on every bite. I counted it as 400 calories but I am sure it had way more.

Tuesday with my trainer she said" I think you should try something I have been doing in my work outs" She preceded to get on the ground and do this sit-up with oblique twist. She made it look so graceful and easy. As I attempted to try this sit-up, it was nothing like hers. I had done sit-ups on the ball and on the machine. But lying flat on the ground and then pulling my self up with my stomach muscles :( I manage to get myself up barely a few times. It was so hard, i was exhausted, I am still sore today and still traumatized by this event!!! I wish they had video cameras in the gym, cuz I would love to watch me attempt this over and over again. So another new goal is, to get these sit-ups mastered by the end and do them gracefully too. Deep down I have a ripped 6-pack of abs, just waiting to come out :)

Today was nutrition class, but it was on stress management and balancing our lives. I really enjoyed the class. I am out of balance, but am going to try to work on getting my life in balance. I would love to learn to sleep through the night peacefully and not stress over little things. I was supposed to meet with my trainer after work but she had to cancel. She is going on a mission the week after the challenge is over, she is so excited to see us finish this to the end. So I went to 24 hr fitness, and did my cardio. Then decided to try like 10 different machines. It was fun. I always to cardio everyday but only weights with my trainer. I need to get more weight training in, do get the 6-pack ready :)

Monday, August 9, 2010


Well another week has gone by, and it was a success. I lost 2 lbs :) which is good for me!!! I am super excited. I went to the gym on Sat and it was crowded, the elpitical machines that I like to use were all taken so I started on the treadmill. While on there I decided I would see if I could make 3 miles. I successfully completed it with an incline and all. I wanted to see if Mike's Mad Dash would kill me. I am still alive so I can know I can make it. Also I think the dash is all flat so it should be even easier. I dunno if i like the name Mad Dash, I am pretty sure I wont be dashing anywhere in the race. I wanna rename it Mike Mad Crawl. I look forward to the race and see if I can improve my time before then.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Penny for my Thoughts

Nutrition Class today was about Fiber. I learned a lot of new things. Now I need to figure out how to get in 5-9 fruits and Vegtables and more Fiber in my diet. This dieting is getting hard, counting calories, right about of protein, carbs, fats, fruit, vegtables and now fiber. Good thing I am good at math :)

I also had my trainer today, I thought it went really well. I havent been able to work out very intense for the past two weeks, and today I was able to almost get to wear I was before. I did 30 min of the elliptical and 20 min on the treadmill and could still walk and no pain. We did a new machine that is supposed to work the Gluteal(Butt) muscles. I don't know if anyone else has tried the machine. It made me laugh to use it. You have to get on all 4's, then put one leg up in the foot part. Luckily my trainer was there to help me get in the contraption. I suggest everyone try it once. It's a funny experience but you actually get a good work out!

I think I have been doing good with my diet and work outs this week. Its hard cuz the only way to tell progress right now is with the scale. I am curious how my cholesterol, and body fat % have changed too. I am trying to loose 2lbs a week, but its a lot harder than I thought it would be. I try to only weigh my self once a week.

I have been planning on what I am going to eat on day 101. I am thinking of Cafe Rio salad. Cuz on day 102 I start it all over again. I think it will take me almost a year to reach my goal so this is just the begging of the rest of my life :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

On the downhill slope!!! Time Flies when I am having Fun

That is the temptation I had to walk by all day at work. I didn't have one!!!!!!

Crazy only 50 days left. I have enjoyed the first 50 and hope the last 50 have even better success. I am now soda free for 1 week. I miss the Diet Mt. Dew but quitting wasn't that hard. I had told Terri that we should quit soda, but went on vacation and started a week behind.

Last night I went to dinner with some friends at McGrath's. I hate seafood, so I thought it would be easy eating out since I wouldn't be Jealous of their meals. I ordered wood fire chicken, and corn on the cob with mixed veggies. I tried to be healthy but the chicken had no flavor so I had to get BBQ sauce to dip it in and butter for the Corn on the cob. So healthy went right out the door.

My knees are feeling a little better, which makes me happy. I hate not being able to do everything I used to. It is always fun to see everyone at the gym.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Good Day

I had a Good Day on the scale, which was a nice surprise after 2 bad weeks. My knees are still hurting to walk, but I can do the elliptical and bike which is nice. I went swimming the other day to give my legs a break. I enjoy working out, I can work out 5 days a week no problem, its the @#$* dieting that kills me :) Last night I had the munchies really bad, I eventually ended up with carrots and dip to tide me over.

My trip to the farmers market in Orem was a failure, there were no farmers there. I will keep searching for fresh fruit and veggies. I made a delicious smoothie. I put in 100% apple juice; low fat vanilla flavored yogurt, and frozen pineapple, mango's and strawberries. It was awesome!!!! I also ventured out on egg white scrambled eggs and there were really good too. I am trying to focus on more fruits, vegetables and fiber in my diet. I am working on mastering my chicken recipes this week. I am not a good cook so its always a good trial and error. Any food suggestions would be great!!! See everyone at the gym