Thursday, July 29, 2010

Went to the Dr and the Dr said " No more Runnning"

I went to the doctor yesterday for my knees. I have inflamed bursa on both Tibia's :( They gave me some medicated patched to try and see if it helps. I hope so, cuz walking with a limp is no fun. They said no running and when I do run, to run on grass not a treadmill or pavement and see how that goes. I can still work out,which I am very excited about and I guess over time I will be all better.

Nutrition Class today was lots of fun. We talked about Vitamins and eating more fruits and Vegetables. She recommended 5-9 fruits and vegetables a day. I really enjoy summer fruit, and am going to try out one of the local farmers markets this weekend and see what treasures I can find. It was fun to hear about everyone thoughts on food and they gave great food suggestions. Its been a lot of fun to be a part of this program.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I went out of town for a week, it was sure nice to be away from work. Before I left I ran again and for longer periods of time. Tuesday my knees hurt but just thought it was from my workout the day before. As my week went on, my legs hurt more and more. I am going to see the Dr tomorrow. My legs feel much better on Ibuprofen and ice, but I want to talk to her about what exercises I should do and not hurt my knees and some knee strengthening exercises. I really enjoy going to the gym and hope to find the right work out for me.

On vacation my diet, was well non-existent. One of my many downfalls was Pretzel M&Ms. They are super yummy. I exercised what I could. I walked 3 mornings for 30 minutes until my knees hurt to much. I also learned how to swim, which I am super excited about. Not that I was a good swimmer, but with more practice :)

I haven't weighed myself this week and a little nervous too after my week of bad eating. I am not going to let my bad habits carry over to this week. I am refocused and ready to get back on track.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Run Forrest Run

I ran, really ran. Well kinda :) I met with my trainer today and she said, you know I think we need to push you more, I want you to have to crawl out of the gym:) She said I think we should have you run. So on the treadmill I did intervals of running and walking, I prob only ran like 7 min total, but I am excited. I don't know the last time I ran. I am thinking high school P.E. I want to run all or most of Mike's Mad Dash, so its about time I started :)

I usually work out at 24 hr fitness when not with my trainer, but on Thursday I worked out at the wellness center and saw 5 other challenge members, Its nice to see everyone working out and trying to achieve their goals.

I feel like I am slowly getter stronger, the weights keeping getting higher and the reps increase. I really enjoy the gym. The nutrition is the hardest part for me and hope it gets easier too. I am really glad I was chosen to be apart of this challenge.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

DAY 28

Well I survived my weekend in Idaho. It was lots of fun! I rode 4 wheelers, went canoeing ( my right shoulder is still sore from paddling). We canoed really fast, since it started to thunder, lighting and rain while in the river. I considered it a good work out :) I took my diet food up to share with my family. I think they enjoyed it or at least lied and said they did. We had, BBQ pulled chicken sandwiches, Turkey burger, BBQ grilled chicken and a low calorie Chicken Pot Pie recipe. I managed to loose weight this past week too, which is better than I thought. The only thing I cheated on was some Popcorn during the play we saw. It was small, no where near movie theater size and no extra butter but it was still delicious. This week should be a good week. Back to normal this week, I have my trainer today. Which is always a good workout, she is ruthless :) Tomorrow one of my co-workers is going to go to the gym with me and show me some water aerobics and exercises. Which I really look forward to. I cant believe its been 4 weeks already. I think I will make all 100 days and then some.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Wish me Luck

I met yesterday with my trainer for the first time in a week. The Holidays messed things up, and I am going out of town this weekend so I wont see her again till Tuesday. Her work outs are way tougher than when I am on my own. I think my face should be a lot thinner since I sweat buckets. I am going to my parents house in Island Park this weekend. The usual family pattern there is to eat, eat, eat, and eat some more. So I have prepared my meals for the 4 days I will be there in hopes to stay in line. I am bringing enough for my parents so they can try my nutritional plan with me. I hope that 4-wheeling burns lots of calories :) I am excited to spend time up in the mountains and enjoy some fresh air. I would love to lose weight, but I hope to just maintain.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Its been 3 weeks already!!!!

Wow, has the time gone by. I once heard you can change any habit if you do it for 21 days. So hopefully this diet and exercise thing becomes the norm :) I enjoyed my vacation and had a hard time on my days off getting myself to the gym early. But I worked out everyday and ate good. My favorite foods this weekend, was avocado and mangoes. Not together, but I had the best Mango I have had in a long time. I was surprised how good it was. I made chicken sandwich from rotisserie chicken breast then added my delicious avocado. I keep trying to come up with new ways to eat healthy. I did enjoy a large diet caffeine free coke at the Stadium of Fire, the best part was the awesome mug it came in. I am now using it for my water mug at work. Diet coke tastes much better :) I have lost now 7 lbs in 3 weeks which is right on my goal, now if only the work outs got easier :) This has been a fun experience and am glad I get to do it.

Friday, July 2, 2010


I am looking forward to this 3 day weekend. On Wed with my trainer, she increased everything, which was hard but I powered through the pain. I told her if I don't loose weight its her fault. Which she replied, " Oh, with this work out I might make you gain weight with muscle." Which I believe can be possible as my thighs burn with every squat I did. Deep down, way deep down I have very muscular legs. She also told me my chin looked more defined, which I think it means I am getting closer to one chin :) I don't see my trainer again for a week, so I have a lot of work to do on my own.

Thursdays Nutrition Class was good. I decided I shouldn't use the Word DIET anymore, its a bad 4 letter word. Its a lifestyle change. So in my blogs I think I will talk about all the good food I get to eat. Yesterday I had cantaloupe and it was so delicious. I haven't had that good of one in a long time. I ate it all and wish I had more in my fridge. I went to sunflower market and bought me a large variety of fruit, I love summer fruit.

I hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th!!!! I am excited for Stadium of Fire