Thursday, September 30, 2010


I started my 88 day challenge on Monday and it has been going great so far. It ends on Dec 24th as my little Christmas present to me. This week has been good so far, I have been going to the gym and still logging my food. I increased my calories to 1650, but increased my calorie burn to 2650 so I hope I will still loose a pound a week or so. I invited my fellow challenge members to join me in this, and many have said they would. I am super excited to have their support and to watch them progress too. My biggest struggle this week is to figure out my weight training schedule. Which weights to do, when, how often, how many times.

We all were featured in the IHC stories and it was great to read how wonderful everyone did. We had a great group and did AWESOME!

I hope everyone keeps blogging. I know I really enjoy reading them:)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Yeah its over!!!!

Thursday was the weigh out - It was frustrating because they made us weigh facing away from the machine, so I couldn't see my weight loss. We had to wait until Friday to get the results. When I got to work on Thursday my coworker brought me in treats for doing so well on the 100 days. They were Delicious but I was sick by the end of the day. Friday I went back on my diet just to feel better. The dinner was fun, it was great to see everyone all dressed up. We finally got our results and I was very Happy with mine. I lost 27.5 lbs and 5% drop in body fat. All my numbers went down, I defiantly feel much healthier. This is the longest diet/exercise program I have stuck with and am very proud of that. I think everyone did a great job and looked good.

The race on Saturday was awesome!!! It was my first 5k. I was super excited for it. I survived it and finished in an OK time for me. Who knows maybe I will do another race.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Yesterday was my last work out with my Trainer:) It was actually lots of fun. The most fun I have had at the gym all year!!!! I had mentioned to her a few weeks ago that on my last day she had to run too. So she got on the treadmill next to me an ran. It was good to see her get sweaty too. I ran 3 miles in 46 min, which is 3 min faster than last week and it was much easier yesterday than the week before. I just hope that .2 on the 5k doesn't kill me. I can do 3 miles no problem, but 3.2 might push me over the edge :) The race will be my first race ever. I am veryexcited for it.

After the treadmill we did our weigh workout, stomach, triceps, shoulders and back. For shoulders we did fly-aways and after we were all finished with our 4th set, she said "man those suck, sorry I always made you always do them." I was like I know :) Jenna was a great sport yesterday and super fun to work out with. I will miss my trainer a lot. She really was the perfect match for me, she pushed me harder than I thought I could go. It weird how much stronger I am in 100 days :) This challenge has been awesome!!!! I am so grateful that I was picked for it. LUCKY ME!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

A for Effort :)

I cant believe only 3 more days!!! I really just want Thursday to come so I can see my results. Now that it's getting closer to the end, people are asking who do I think will win? I don't think I will win, but I think I have a chance :) In the fact that I have worked really hard and done everything I was supposed to. I have no regrets and would not change anything although I do not recommend 3 vacations in 100 days, it throws your body for a loop. I have loved doing this challenge. The gym is now my second home. Last week at the wellness center, a lady came up to me( i had met her during the first week of the challenge, she and her husband won the last challenge) and said, "I haven't seen you in a long time, you look really good, keep up the good work." It made me smile and really proud of myself.

After we weigh in Thursday, I have a few treats waiting for me at work (i.e. Magleby's chocolate cake in the freezer). I am going to take Thurs-Sun off my strict dieting. I will still workout, of course, and do the 5k. I then plan on starting my own 88 day challenge, Monday the 27th through Christmas Eve. I will have the holidays off and then start my 110 day Jan2-April 21. I hope by then, I will have lost the weight I want to just maintain my weight. And start my new healthy lifestyle :)

I want to thank Mindy for teaching the nutrition classes, they were excellent and I learned a lot; Traci for her encouraging words after my weekly emails; and most importantly, my trainer Jenna for kicking my @$$ every week during workouts. She is so supportive and so tough. She extended her mission call so she could finish this challenge with us. Also thanks to all the other challenge members, its always great to see them at the gym, and I loved reading everyone's blogs.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

9 days left!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW!!!! It is Crazy how fast the time has gone. It seems like we just started and yet feels like I have been doing this forever :) I have almost lost 20 lbs. I honestly didn't think it would be so hard to loose weight. I thought, starting this challenge that I would eat better work out a little and the pounds would fall off. I have worked so HARD. I sweat in places I didn't know existed. I have swoobs, swits, swack, swass, and swnees after I work out. My trainer has been awesome, She works me so hard, I am exhausted when our sessions are over.

Things that I have changed in my lifestyle since starting this challenge. I now go to the gym 5-6 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes up to 90 minutes. I have fruits and vegetables in my kitchen always available to eat. I am conscious of food label and calories, fat, sodium, carbs, proteins and each label. I really think that working out has made me feel better all around :)

I am excited for this challenge to be over, but so grateful for the opportunity to be involved in this. I still have 40lbs or more I want to loose. So I am not stopping when this ends next week, just continuing what I have learned and keep on working :)