Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Team Jacob

Yesterday, I met with my trainer after work and it was great to see so many other Heart Challenge friends there. I even met last challenge winners, we rode the bikes together :) They said the change after 100 days is awesome. I look forward to that feeling. I enjoy the workouts, but feel like I get my @&$ kicked every time, Thanks Jenna(trainer).

I am taking today off from the gym, After work I am going to go see the new Twilight movie. I hope the smell of the popcorn is enough, and not eat any. In our nutrition class we talked about the size of movie popcorn and its calories, I like the butter more than the popcorn.

Good luck to all the other Heart Challengers, its fun getting to know everyone!


  1. Have fun at the movie...remember the popcorn always SMELLS better than it TASTE!

  2. Brooke, I am Jealous I can't go til the weekend. Have a great time. good comment Jen. Stay strong Brooke you can do it. !!
