Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I went out of town for a week, it was sure nice to be away from work. Before I left I ran again and for longer periods of time. Tuesday my knees hurt but just thought it was from my workout the day before. As my week went on, my legs hurt more and more. I am going to see the Dr tomorrow. My legs feel much better on Ibuprofen and ice, but I want to talk to her about what exercises I should do and not hurt my knees and some knee strengthening exercises. I really enjoy going to the gym and hope to find the right work out for me.

On vacation my diet, was well non-existent. One of my many downfalls was Pretzel M&Ms. They are super yummy. I exercised what I could. I walked 3 mornings for 30 minutes until my knees hurt to much. I also learned how to swim, which I am super excited about. Not that I was a good swimmer, but with more practice :)

I haven't weighed myself this week and a little nervous too after my week of bad eating. I am not going to let my bad habits carry over to this week. I am refocused and ready to get back on track.


  1. You can do it! Good luck with the doctor's today.

  2. I feel your pain with the knees! I have always had bad knees, so exercise can be scary, painful and frustrating sometimes because of them. I hope your dr appt went well! Keep up the great work, its always good to see you in the gym kicking butt!!
