Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Its been 3 weeks already!!!!

Wow, has the time gone by. I once heard you can change any habit if you do it for 21 days. So hopefully this diet and exercise thing becomes the norm :) I enjoyed my vacation and had a hard time on my days off getting myself to the gym early. But I worked out everyday and ate good. My favorite foods this weekend, was avocado and mangoes. Not together, but I had the best Mango I have had in a long time. I was surprised how good it was. I made chicken sandwich from rotisserie chicken breast then added my delicious avocado. I keep trying to come up with new ways to eat healthy. I did enjoy a large diet caffeine free coke at the Stadium of Fire, the best part was the awesome mug it came in. I am now using it for my water mug at work. Diet coke tastes much better :) I have lost now 7 lbs in 3 weeks which is right on my goal, now if only the work outs got easier :) This has been a fun experience and am glad I get to do it.

1 comment:

  1. Seven pounds?!? That's great. Keep up the good work. I hope your workouts get easier... and if they don't stay dilligent.
