Monday, August 9, 2010


Well another week has gone by, and it was a success. I lost 2 lbs :) which is good for me!!! I am super excited. I went to the gym on Sat and it was crowded, the elpitical machines that I like to use were all taken so I started on the treadmill. While on there I decided I would see if I could make 3 miles. I successfully completed it with an incline and all. I wanted to see if Mike's Mad Dash would kill me. I am still alive so I can know I can make it. Also I think the dash is all flat so it should be even easier. I dunno if i like the name Mad Dash, I am pretty sure I wont be dashing anywhere in the race. I wanna rename it Mike Mad Crawl. I look forward to the race and see if I can improve my time before then.


  1. You can it Brook! pretty soon you'll be doing 4-5 miles at a time instead of 3 miles.

  2. Nice job... I have been doing the same thing on the treadmill. Trying to time how long it will take me and how long people will have to wait for the last person (me) to come in. I tried a 5k in Cedar Hills a couple of years ago...and I was the last person in, so I can only get better from there, right??

    You're kicking butt!! Keep it up!
