Thursday, August 5, 2010

Penny for my Thoughts

Nutrition Class today was about Fiber. I learned a lot of new things. Now I need to figure out how to get in 5-9 fruits and Vegtables and more Fiber in my diet. This dieting is getting hard, counting calories, right about of protein, carbs, fats, fruit, vegtables and now fiber. Good thing I am good at math :)

I also had my trainer today, I thought it went really well. I havent been able to work out very intense for the past two weeks, and today I was able to almost get to wear I was before. I did 30 min of the elliptical and 20 min on the treadmill and could still walk and no pain. We did a new machine that is supposed to work the Gluteal(Butt) muscles. I don't know if anyone else has tried the machine. It made me laugh to use it. You have to get on all 4's, then put one leg up in the foot part. Luckily my trainer was there to help me get in the contraption. I suggest everyone try it once. It's a funny experience but you actually get a good work out!

I think I have been doing good with my diet and work outs this week. Its hard cuz the only way to tell progress right now is with the scale. I am curious how my cholesterol, and body fat % have changed too. I am trying to loose 2lbs a week, but its a lot harder than I thought it would be. I try to only weigh my self once a week.

I have been planning on what I am going to eat on day 101. I am thinking of Cafe Rio salad. Cuz on day 102 I start it all over again. I think it will take me almost a year to reach my goal so this is just the begging of the rest of my life :)

1 comment:

  1. Kicking butt on the eliptical!! I can't wait for the day I can say I am at 30 minutes on it. My relationship with the eliptical is a little strained.... I want to love it, and I want it to love me!

    I need to get to the butt workout machine! I will have to give it a go tonight!

    btw...Im there with you on day 101!! I miss that salad. And then I will also join you on day 102!

    Keep up the great work, you are doing awesome - injuries and all you have had a great attitude!
