Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Trainer Made Me Sick

I met with my trainer today after work. She always kicks my butt. I walked in and Ron told me she was on one, worked him really hard. While on the elliptical another trainer came over and warned me. I had to laugh, cuz she always works me so hard. After 25 min on the elliptical, we did 4 different exercises with 5 circuits. I was getting sick by the end. I had a protein bar before i went to the gym, bad idea. It was sitting in my stomach like a lead ball. After the 5th cycle I was to end on the treadmill. I had to go to the bathroom and throw-up :( I could only get water out, but felt better. I never thought a workout could make me so sick. Note to self don't eat before working out again. It was not pleasant, but it was other than that the workout was good, and exhausting. Luckily I don't have to see her again until Thurs :)

I had another good week, 2lbs again. I worked really hard this past week at the gym, 6 days. Its always fun to see everyone at the gym. I enjoy reading every ones blogs. I am glad we are all in this together and doing a great job!!!! 5 more weeks, seems like such a short time left. I am looking forward to the end to see my results. But I think I have a few more 100 days ahead of me to reach my final goals. I am grateful for all the things I have learned in this challenge, its a lifestyle change!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, your post makes me kind of glad Dallas is out of town....but I am sure he will be ready to challenge us when he gets back. And yes, I have made that note to not eat before going to the gym. At least anything heavy...I did follow Dallas' advice and eat some fruit a couple of hours before going, that helps.

    Congrats on the the additional 2 lbs! You are working hard for it and I absolutely agree with everything you say in your last comments!
