Thursday, August 12, 2010

Out of Balance

This week has been bad on my diet. On wed I had dessert at lunch and it was so yummy!!!! Magelby's chocolate cake. It tasted so good on every bite. I counted it as 400 calories but I am sure it had way more.

Tuesday with my trainer she said" I think you should try something I have been doing in my work outs" She preceded to get on the ground and do this sit-up with oblique twist. She made it look so graceful and easy. As I attempted to try this sit-up, it was nothing like hers. I had done sit-ups on the ball and on the machine. But lying flat on the ground and then pulling my self up with my stomach muscles :( I manage to get myself up barely a few times. It was so hard, i was exhausted, I am still sore today and still traumatized by this event!!! I wish they had video cameras in the gym, cuz I would love to watch me attempt this over and over again. So another new goal is, to get these sit-ups mastered by the end and do them gracefully too. Deep down I have a ripped 6-pack of abs, just waiting to come out :)

Today was nutrition class, but it was on stress management and balancing our lives. I really enjoyed the class. I am out of balance, but am going to try to work on getting my life in balance. I would love to learn to sleep through the night peacefully and not stress over little things. I was supposed to meet with my trainer after work but she had to cancel. She is going on a mission the week after the challenge is over, she is so excited to see us finish this to the end. So I went to 24 hr fitness, and did my cardio. Then decided to try like 10 different machines. It was fun. I always to cardio everyday but only weights with my trainer. I need to get more weight training in, do get the 6-pack ready :)

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