Wednesday, August 4, 2010

On the downhill slope!!! Time Flies when I am having Fun

That is the temptation I had to walk by all day at work. I didn't have one!!!!!!

Crazy only 50 days left. I have enjoyed the first 50 and hope the last 50 have even better success. I am now soda free for 1 week. I miss the Diet Mt. Dew but quitting wasn't that hard. I had told Terri that we should quit soda, but went on vacation and started a week behind.

Last night I went to dinner with some friends at McGrath's. I hate seafood, so I thought it would be easy eating out since I wouldn't be Jealous of their meals. I ordered wood fire chicken, and corn on the cob with mixed veggies. I tried to be healthy but the chicken had no flavor so I had to get BBQ sauce to dip it in and butter for the Corn on the cob. So healthy went right out the door.

My knees are feeling a little better, which makes me happy. I hate not being able to do everything I used to. It is always fun to see everyone at the gym.

1 comment:

  1. Way to avoid them temptuous doughnuts!! Glad your knees are feeling better!!
