Thursday, July 29, 2010

Went to the Dr and the Dr said " No more Runnning"

I went to the doctor yesterday for my knees. I have inflamed bursa on both Tibia's :( They gave me some medicated patched to try and see if it helps. I hope so, cuz walking with a limp is no fun. They said no running and when I do run, to run on grass not a treadmill or pavement and see how that goes. I can still work out,which I am very excited about and I guess over time I will be all better.

Nutrition Class today was lots of fun. We talked about Vitamins and eating more fruits and Vegetables. She recommended 5-9 fruits and vegetables a day. I really enjoy summer fruit, and am going to try out one of the local farmers markets this weekend and see what treasures I can find. It was fun to hear about everyone thoughts on food and they gave great food suggestions. Its been a lot of fun to be a part of this program.


  1. YIKES!! I am sorry to hear about your knees see you hobbling around at the gym!! I hope you can recover quick. Ouch!

    Nutrition class is always fun...and funny! It's nice to know that others have some of the same thoughts and feeling about food and weight issues that I struggle with.

  2. Good to hear that you are still able to workout. We are half way there!!!
